Member-only story
I slept in this morning…
Nothing crazy, mind you — just 9:15 — but it was kind of indulgent to just casually crawl out of bed with no particular agenda for the day. And, not going to lie, I even felt a little guilty at the indifference I felt about being productive. It’s not that I don’t have things I need or want to get done; quite the contrary, that list is never-ending.
I just wasn’t sure where I wanted to start.
As the concept of “free time” goes, I have plenty of ideas… all sorts of things I’d like to write and craft and do. I just have a tendency to get bogged down in the details sometimes, and that leaves me feeling both frustrated and overwhelmed.
A feeling, I might add, that will almost always kill the creative muse.
My usual go-to in that instance, is to focus on the things that are a bit more mundane in procedure. Which is really just a fancy way of saying work. Work around the house, in the yard, and — as a freelancer — there’s always something I could do on behalf of those that help me pay my bills.
I’m also typically much more productive in this area, which may be why I tend to fall back on this option so often. It’s easier to ignore all the dreams you’ve put on hold when you’re knee-deep in busy work.